Lean On Me Movie Review..

 A.Jadon Moses


AI&DS,B Tech

2nd year 


Lean On Me Movie Review..

Morgan Freeman's character Joe Clark, the principal of a problematic inner-city high school, was given this role in the movie Lean on Me. The majority of the kids at this high school were members of underrepresented groups who dealt with racism, drugs, and poverty on a daily basis. The state of New Jersey asserted that the instructors were failing to impart in the students the fundamental knowledge and abilities required to succeed in the real world, and that the school was only going to get worse.I believe that the state's inadequate funding and lack of resources for the schools contributed to their subpar programming. The students that attended the institution lacked direction and motivation. They didn't know what they wanted to make of their life. Their family and instructors needed to provide them with inspiration. But as this movie shows, kids growing up in inner cities frequently don't have the motivation and guidance they require to be successful. 

Many of them come from homes where the parents do not wish to be involved in their children's life.I think Joe Clark's authoritarian approach to leadership worked quite well in this movie. There needed to be someone to "take charge" and rebuild this school and the students that attended it. First, he expelled the "trouble students," then he removed graffiti from the hallways and bolted the doors to keep drug dealers out. He inspired and instilled confidence in his students to achieve. He gave them the idea that they should "prove the state wrong." He hammered home to them that they were intelligent and that nothing was beyond their reach. He instilled a sense of pride in them by insisting they learn the school hymn.

Lynne Thigpen performed the role of the woman who opposed Joe Clark's methods. She was shown as a 'wench,' asking that Joe Clark be removed from the city for violating the fire code and chaining the school doors. But in my opinion, her true grievance sprang from the fact that he had expelled her son and other "problem children" from the school. Rather than taking personal responsibility for her son's failure, she directed her anger towards the individuals in charge of the school system. Some detractors, however, contend that she was shown in a favorable light as a strong and independent Black woman.

Lynne Thigpen performed the role of the woman who opposed Joe Clark's methods. She was shown as a 'wench,' asking that Joe Clark be removed from the city for violating the fire code and chaining the school doors. But in my opinion, her true grievance sprang from the fact that he had expelled her son and other "problem children" from the school. Rather than taking personal responsibility for her son's failure, she directed her anger towards the individuals in charge of the school system. Some detractors, however, contend that she was shown in a favorable light as a strong and independent Black woman.

Additionally, I think that this movie's soundtrack is really significant. The children in the movie find pride and hope in the song. The movie's title is taken from Bill Withers' song "Lean on Me." The children can find hope in the lyrics of this song.Everybody experiences grief and sorrow at some point in their lives, but smart people understand that there is always tomorrow.

Saying that we all have hardships but must have hope for survival and that sometimes we need to draw strength and inspiration from others in order to succeed is a way of connecting with the students. These kids are reminded by this song that they are not alone and that all is possible for them if they set their minds to it. This song, in my opinion, perfectly captures the movie's theme: anyone can achieve in difficult circumstances provided they are driven, give it their all, and have the love and support of others.

To sum up, I thought this movie was entertaining and incredibly palatable due of how well-developed and believable the characters were. It has a really well-written and realistic screenplay. The problems these kids encounter are the same problems that kids in general suffer, and those who are from inner cities especially more so, thus even as young adults, we can relate to this movie.


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