my opinions and reviews of lean on movie

 Title : my opinions and reviews of lean on movie

Lean on Me" is a must-see movie. From challenging systems to getting to know students and families to being bold enough to step up... and at times sit back. i.e. students' rendition of the school song This movie is inspiring with a real glimpse of educational matters and actions for change to improve the learning experience for all students. Every student needs and deserves quality instruction that connects ideas, deepens understanding, and encourages them to push forward for greater.He is perfect for this strong part of principal at Eastside High. His disciplined yet loving authority was fun to watch. Also in the cast, Mr Darnell(Michael Beach) and Dr. Frank Napier(Robert Guillaume) along with Joe Clark(Morgan Freeman) were  probably the most dominant actors. There was also a great supporting cast as listed above. Mayor Don Bottman(Alan North) played the perfect power hungry politician for this movie.

This movie is truely inspiring. The students of this school rise above all odds and succeed because they have a caring and strong principle that believes in them. Morgan Freeman, who played the principle, really made the movie and his acting was top notch.Very Inspirational movie the whole cast did a wonderful job with their part in this movie lean on me!! Not easy dealing with thousands of descriptive kids!! I lift my hat to everyone who made this movie happen for a better future and education for generations to come!!one of the greatest movies of all time.Shows how that anything or anyone can be saved with discipline, kindness and patience. A fantastic ending made me cry. 

Name :M.dakshinamurthi



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